Saturday, April 21, 2007

Baby Home

As some of you know, I don't only teach fourth grade all week, but I also help out a local baby home. It is so amazing to see how fast these little ones grow.
It is against good teaching practice to "play favorites", in this case it is easier said than done! Yes, I have a favorite little one, her name is Shiela Mae, she is so cute! All of the babies are up for of course I wanted to take her home!

Korean Exprience

Since I have moved to the Philippines I have enjoyed trying all kinds of new things. I have rode on different forms of transportation, I have eaten all kinds of different foods and have shopped at very unique stores. Tonight a Korean friend from Bible Study (Ryan) took my friend MaryBeth and I out for Korean food. This was not "Filipino style" Korean food but real authetic food. He showed us how to use chop sticks, which I really couldn't get! He than proceeded to tell me there was something wrong with my brain becacause using chop sticks makes your smarter!
MaryBeth and I agreed our favorite Korean food was a wrap using lettus. It included putting one piece of meat dipped in some sweet sause into lettus and adding some cabbage, using your hands you make the whole thing small and shove it in your mouth all at once! Not very lady like if you ask me!
The best part of the night was when Ryan realized he had ordered way too much food and was left with three bowls of cold noddles. What an exprience!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Palm Sunday was an exciting day for me, not only was it the week before Easter, but it became a stretching day. Myself and three other friends from Faith sang at church. We had spent over a week practicing and the day finally came. We were the first special music of the day. We were relieved to be first since the it is very common to be about 10-15 minutes late for church, this meant the church would not be as full.

A lot of friends from Faith came to support us. I wish I had a picture to show the row of teachers from Faith who came to hear us, we really stood out in an all Filipino church! My special Filipia Friend Rita came to hear us sing. Her husband is a pastor and singer and I have heard him many times!