Sunday, February 25, 2007


I am sure there are times in your life when you become frustrated at one thing or another. Today I had that exprience. I had ants all over my kitchen. Alhtough I know this is a normal part of living here, I became annoyed as I was trying to make muffins and dinner on a counter full of ants!
My annoyance lead to thinking...where are they going? and where did they come from? I sometimes find them crawling on my living room or bedroom floor...far from food!
I decided to do a Biblical search on these small but annoying creatures and found a verse in Proverbs 30;
"Four things on earth are small,
yet they are extremely wise:

25 Ants are creatures of little strength,
yet they store up their food in the summer;

I guess they are good for something!


Shauna-Lee said...

Until they demonstate some strong evidence of "usefulness," I'd look into extermination...

Anonymous said...

Hi there...just found your blog. Glad I can hear the latest now. We think of you often Heidi. Also I understand the ant thing veyr well...take SL's advice.

Hey Menno I didn't know you had a blog...miss ya both :)

Love ya Teese

Anonymous said...

Hey, was that frustration 101? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi
We love reading you Blog. We think of you and pray for you often.
Matt & Melanie