Friday, December 29, 2006


Close your eyes, what do you see? Darkness everywhere! Now think of many parts of this world where people live in spiritual darkness. Thousands who don't know the way to Christ. People praying to Mary, doing rosaries, or going to church once in a while, all in attempt to find God.
This Christmas I felt a bit of this spiritual darkness. I visited Cebu, one of the 7000 Islands of the Philippines. It was here as I walked the busy streets before Christmas that I witnessed some real spiritual darkness. Thousands of people pray and touch a statue they call “Jesus Christ”, (but it is actually small doll that looks like boy). It was these people that made me think of the millions of others around the world who worship idols on a daily basis. Often a church the pastor reminds Filipino Christians to destroy their former idols and worship the living God. I visited on temple in Cebu were I once again witnessed Filipinos coming to ask God for answers using stones and sticks. I thought about how wonderful it is that we have access to the thorn of God anytime, and without any stones or sticks…all because of the Cross!

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God…”
Exodus 20:4-5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a wonderful blog! Thank you so much for giving us a view of life at Faith Academy for you, Cheryl and the others. It was a joy to read and see the wonderful pictures. We are so looking forward to meeting you. Cheryl has shared what a great blessing and dear friend you are to her!
Cheryl's Mom