I have not written for so long and now time has quickly passed. Where do I begin? God's Constant Faithfulness has been the theme of my year so far! What a powerful and faithful God we serve. This Sunday at church I heard the wonderful news that God is working in the Philippines. Lives are being touched by his love. At church a Christmas tree Choir, sang and the gospel was presented. Over 100 people made professions of faith. Praise the Lord! These professions of faith made me think of the early church in Acts and how many were coming to the Lord. WOw!It brings great joy to my hear to hear how Go dis working here. My prayer is for my own Nation. That we as believers will shine our becan of love, touching others lives and pointing them to the Savior. I pray that during this Christmas season, others will see our love and come to know Christ through us.
At chaple this week in elementry school, we sang a song called, "With Him and In Him"
With him and in him, and through him
I can do all things, I can do all things
with him and in him and through him...
I can do all things through Christ the Lord.
It may not seem like we can do much, but through Christ's strength we can share His love with others.